Referesher Course

1960-80 – MARC records and ISO 2709 format /CDS-ISIS,
DBASE, FOXBASE software for database creation, search and
retrieval, Library automation
1990-2000 Internet, ICT and Barcode/WEB Technology
2001-2005 Scanners, OCR software, RFID, Smart Card,
Biometrics, Surveillance System
2006-2009 Digital Library (GSDL, DSpace, Eprits), E-learning
(e.g. Moodle), CMS (e.g. Joomla), E-access to S & T journals,
switching over to electronic mode subscription and E-books.
2009- 2013 Integrating WEB 2.0 and LIB2.0 Social networking
tools -RSS, wikies, blogs, podcast, facebook, twitter, youtube,
podcasting, etc
2014- M-library service/Cloud Computing technology
These technologies integrate librarians, library resources
and the library users for creating and sharing information.
26/11/2015 : 3
Application of Mobile Technology for LIS

